The Yorkman/Issue 007

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Welcome to the seventh issue of the Yorkman. As always, feel free to contact us via e-mail, especially if you have some news to share with the world. Also, feel free to discuss the articles on the talk page.

We'd like to bring your attention to a project some of our contibutors have been working on, Parchment Pages. This is a directory of useful and interesting locations in Shartak, with descriptions, coordinates, and wiki links where appropriate. It's been a huge amount of work but hopefully will be of help to those of you who need to get something and aren't sure where to go.

If you'd like to submit a banner for the ads section of the next issue, either e-mail us your completed 500x100 picture, or if graphics aren't your thing, contact us with a slogan and a vague idea (or even a slogan) and we'll do our best.

For more general information about the Yorkman, or to read other issues, visit our main page.

Thanks - The Yorkman Team

This issue originally published on 31/10/06.

Shartak Under Threat From Foreign Powers?

As the wealth and populace of Shartak grow by leaps and bounds, it is inevitable that others will want that wealth for themselves. From the start, Shartak has been a free land of adventurers and fugitives seeking a new life in a new world. Soon, all this may be set to change.

The spectre of the old world was first raised in our last issue, where the York Loyalists questioned the allegience of the Order of Patriots, connecting them to the Spanish throne. These rumours were vehemently denied, and the loyalists' own allegiences were raised to none other than the throne of England.

There has always been a monarchist prescence on Shartak in the form of the Royal Expedition, but their friendly attitude to the mainland has frequently redered them close allies with the leaders of our independent townships. It seems that these new groups, however, intend complete dominion over our island.

At around the same time, a group of pirates acquired letters of marque from the dutch throne, and have raised the 1st Imperial Privateers, whose stated goals are the construction of a warship in Unity bay and the capture of York for Holland. And to round things off, a group of former privateers from Derby have appointed themselves the town's protectors and declared their intent to join "the next raid on York".

Ultimately, the outcome of this struggle will depend upon the people of Shartak. Allegience to a foreign crown will doubtless bring benefits. But will these be at the cost of the freedoms that we value so highly? And should we ally with such groups, it is inevitable that the island will become split into rival european colonies, possibly plunging us all into the civil war which we have so far managed to avoid.

Overall, it seems unlikely that the interference of foreign powers will be of benefit to Shartak. Already rival nations are rushing to gain influence and forces, and with strong nationalist groups in most of our settlements this will certainly lead to new waves of fighting and violence in our towns. And with native incursions once again on the rise, the last thing we want is to weaken our own defenses and fail to present a united front.


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Durham Raid Announced

Dead People - there may be lots of these in Durham soon.

It seems that the long period of relative peace enjoyed by Durham may be about to come to an end. The Pistoleers have worked hard to prevent conflict on their peninsula through policies of neutrality and appeasement, allowing members of all factions to visit, trade, and resupply, so long as no violence occurs within the town.

Their latest challenge will not be appeased, however. The notorious and fearsome Wicksick Headhunters are calling for a mass raid on Durham in december, and offering a much sought-after heavy sword to the native who slays the greatest number of Durhamites in that time.

Although some have talked of evacuating the town, perhaps to Unity Island or one of the other settlements, many have expressed their intent to stay and fight. They will be joined by groups such as the Jolly Roger Gang, who have close ties to the Pistoleers. It is unclear at this point whether these foreign defenders will count towards the score of those participating.

Durham's isolated location will present a challenge to the raiders, due to the often distant locations of the roaming shamen. With such a powerful lure, however, it is likely that the sheer number of eager headhunters converging on the town may well overwhelm the defenders.

Meanwhile, it seems likely that the handful of natives raiding Derby will fall back to join the Durham raid, which will at least be a relief to those who have suffered their low-level guerilla warfare over the last week.


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Mysterious Conch Causes Trail of Death


In the last week, a new and vastly powerful item of unknown purpose and effect has washed up along our shores. The Conch Horn is allegedly referenced in some of the natives' ancient stories, but was lost to them hundreds of years ago.

According to rumours, the lost horn washed up on Derby's beach a few days ago, where it was found by a hapless local. A day later, however, it was heard far to the north, causing treasure hunters to converege en mass upon the shipwreck. The shell's owner was finally apprehended by Elena Barton, who then began experimenting with it's use. Elena's last message to her clanmates said "I've just realised what it does [...] I've done a very stupid thing." She has not been heard from since.

The next reported sighting was in York, in the hands of a newly-arrived settler in the trading hut. Somehow, ownership was transfered to former Colonial Police leader Mick R. Mick himself was then brutally murdered by notorious mercenary Tom Failur, who is now on the run from the Colonial Police and is believed to have a bounty on his head.

With the conch-bearer having a life expectency of around 20 hours and no details emerging as to the actual benefits of owning the horn, it is unclear whether possesion of this item is a blessing or a curse. Perhaps we will soon realise why it was thrown into the sea in the first place.


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Environmentalist Leader Shot Dead

Subcommandante Marco, famed eco-warrior and spokesperson of the contraversial Shartak Preservation Front, is a legendary figure for the Shartak environmental movement. Hated and demonised by his enemies and the subject of the island's largest ever bounty, he remains netherless an influential and respected figure.

Naturally, when it was announced that he would be visiting York to give speeches, hold discussion forums and raise awareness for his cause after months of virtual exile in the jungle, a lot of interest was raised. The Colonial Police offered him protection and lodging, the whole town was extensively postered, and the first speech and discussion was arranged for monday night last week.

The speech was delivered to a capacity crowd of 23 people, including ousiders, natives and pirates. Marco outlined his case against deforestation, focussing on recent discoveries that jungle soil quickly declines in quality when natural plant life is removed. He also outlined how people could help the SPF's next campaign against the Southern Coastal Boulevard.

Following the speech, Marco took questions from Kjendlie and Zydd Soral and was discussing the possibility of an eco-conscious 'trail network' when Civilized Highway Society member Ombined burst into the hall. Decrying Marco as a "tree-hugging hippy", Ombined shot him in the chest and then gunned down peaceful shaman Lacuna (praised in our last issue for keeping York's critical huts spirit-free) before escaping.

The SPF have vowed to fight on stating that they "will not be detered by violence of any kind".


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Raktam Tavern Opens

A budding Raktam Entrepreneur is endavouring to bring the benefits of excessive alcohol consumption and overpriced lodgings to our native cousins. Inspired by a recent holy mission to York during which he stayed overnight at Czechy's Tavern, Dave C decided to open a similar establishment in his hometown.

"It was great" he enthuses, "I stayed all night long and nobody killed me, even though I'm still wanted in York for several murders. And I thought, what we really need in Raktam is a place where people don't kill each other all the time." Taking it's lead from Czechy's famous no-violence rule, the Tavern offers protection, or at least avengement, for any peaceful ousiders, large numbers of whom die in the Raktam resource huts.

"Your kids all come up here, find some herbs in the healing hut and then just sit around grinning foolishly whilst some jerk collects their head. Now they can come here and have some herbs and some falling-down liquid and then a bed. This is sure to lower crime in the area."


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