Spirit Skills

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Spirit Skills

The following Spirit Skills explained in detail can be used by any race (outsider or native) as well as any class. The Shaman class available to natives has an added set of spirit manipulation skills. The native Villager and the outsider Settler have an extra ability that allows them to identify passive spirits. The following spirit skills are split between two separate categories, one being interactions a spirit can do with the outside world, the other is an ability one has to sense spirits and identify them. Within Wiksik there is a clan of shamans called Necromancers who are highly versed in the spirit skill tree and know most the affects. Some charms may also affect spirit skills.

Ghostly whisper

Allows spirits to communicate - With ghostly whisper, spirits can speak to any player that has the sixth sense skill. Other spirits can hear ghostly whispers, even if they lack sixth sense.

Haunting scream

Attract other spirits and scare nearby living players - It is believed that haunting scream gives spirits a chance of dealing 1 HP of damage to living players in the area at the cost of 1-2 AP. All nearby players hear the scream, and some percentage of them take damage. It is believed that a spirit receives 0-2 XP per scream depending upon the number of listeners (perhaps 0, 1, 2+ yields 0, 1, 2 XP). Requires Ghostly Whisper to learn.

Shocking shriek

Scare nearby living players - Shocking shriek is similar to haunting scream but allows spirits to deal more damage (2) to players they frighten. Shocking shriek is superceded and replaced by the more powerful banshee wail. Requires Haunting Scream to learn.

Banshee wail

Frighten nearby living players - Spirits with banshee wail can emit powerful wails for a cost 2ap per person present (up to 6 AP max) per wail. All characters in the area of effect hear the wail, and a small percentage of hearers (20-30%) take 4 HP of damage. XP reward for wailing is equal to the damage inflicted per wail. Banshee wail has a 5 tile radius when used outdoors. Requires Shocking Shriek to learn.


Be able to possess the bodies of the living - Allowing you to force you to make them Write or Say something. Speaking costs 3AP, Writing costs 4AP. Requires Shocking Shriek and be level 10 or above to learn.

Forceful possession

Sometimes a stronger presence is needed to be able to possess the living - Allows you to force the person to attack people near them. Costs 6AP. Requires Possession and be level 25 or above to learn.