Shark Island

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Screen capture of "RE" pattern found on La Islet Bonobo on April 16, 2006

Shark Island (also known as La Islet Bonobo) is the name of the largest of the three islands off the west coast of Shartak, according to the Royal Expedition. Two of these bodies of land measure bare hundreds of metres at their longest, and should properly be referred to as islets. The largest stretches over five kilometres along its main axis and is more than a kilometre at its waist and is an island proper.

While no trees have been sighted, smaller bannana and mango plants provide some fruit and demonstrate that the island could be cultivated at some future point.

History and Discovery
The island was first visited by Morgan Freelance. He had begun to suspect the existence of a smaller island off the west coast of the main island after noting that the Shartak logo contained a map, and that the 'S' of 'Shartak' all but obscured another land mass. On February 22 he announced his findings to other members of the Royal Expedition and set out. By February 26 he had set foot upon this new land, claiming it in the name of HRH.
A second expedition was mounted, led by the formidable Grigoriy, which proceeded to map much of this new land and opened up the interior to further adventurers and explorers.

It was with some surprise that they returned to discover that, in their absence, their findings had been appropriated by members of the Discordian Cargo Cult. The DCC had violated the spirit of discovery and taken to referring to the island by the title 'La Islet Bonobo' and claiming the territory as their own.
Morgan Freelance vowed to return and by 13 April had blazed the letters 'RE' into the jungle of the island, sufficient to be visible from satellite. His efforts were resisted by geurilla activity from DCC members, one of whom was slain in the ensuing skirmish. Morgan, himself, died shortly thereafter in a brutal retaliatory killing which has sparked a full scale conflict between members of both the DCC and the RE
Both groups have agreed that the conflict shall only be prosecuted on the disputed territory, and that neither party shall pursue this matter on the mainland.

At the time of this writing, the island has been claimed as the territory of two clans: The Royal Expedition, and the Discordian Cargo Cult.