Parrotologists Society

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Parrotologists' Society.
In-game page
Leadership: Natural Sciences
Members: 1 parrotologist, 1 botanist, 1 ectoplasmologist, 1 mad scientist, and an awful lot of parrots.
Goals: Reveal the secrets of life
Recruitment policy: Particular interest in Shartak's fauna and flora habits.
Contact: Drop a line on a discussion page. Thanks!


Say hello to one of the oldest Shartak's researchers, Schloss Ritter. He declared support for the cause. Scientastic!

We have a new member, DarkFerret. As he said - Anything in the name of science. According to his words he is particulary interested in ghost parrots. --Lama 03:45, 25 July 2007 (UTC)

Parrotologists' Society is now open to all people, interested in natural sciences. Today we welcome Dr. Livingstone, who is a well known botanist and his experiments with plants' watering gained him fame and a position in a Shartak's Science Hall of Fame. --Lama 00:29, 21 July 2007 (UTC)


2007-06-06 10:44 spotted a parrot. Starting observations. Parrot looks much like a parrot, it has two wings, a beak and some legs too. And many colors.

Shartak parrots - their HP and AP

Wandering around you will probably meet some parrots. They are known to have low health and their beaks aren't the most efficient weapon in the world. Really? Read below for some less known truth about different kinds of parrots.

  • a parrot - 1 DMG, 5 HP. Your daily parrot. Yawn...
  • a vicious parrot - 2 DMG, 6 HP / 3 DMG, 7 HP - who would've expect? These little birds can be annoying, so you better watch your sleep when a vicious parrot is near.
  • a man-eating parrot - 4 DMG, 8 HP - a little threat during a daytime it can make you visit your home-camp shaman in the night. Man-eating parrots were never spotted in their natural habitat, but lab tests prove that there is a possibility such a monster appears one day and terrorizes our dwellings.

Below you can see photos of the parrots:

Flying flower of a jungle
Beautiful, yet vicious
Give me back my leg!

Parrots and tracking skills

Even if you learned Tracking Mastery skill, you will not be able to track a bird. Now that I thought of this it seems obvious...


In my observations of ghosts and ectoforms I noticed a distinct lack of nonhuman willtrace. I hypothesized that most animals don't have the intelligence to produce them. Then a parrot repeated a native, in perfect English (except 'paleface die') instead of the native's nonsense.

Field tests have yet to yield observations of parrot ghosts and the translating behavior has not been replicated in the lab. The project may need to be suspended to raise rapidly dwindling research funding. Those parrots eat so many mangoes.


There were rumors that liquids could affect the growth rate of the jungle, altough these were never confirmed.
To find out if plants would really grow at different rates when submitted to liquids, I conducted an experiment.
For this investigation I cleared several squares of jungle, poured all kinds of different substances on them, and kept track of each of their growth rates.
The results were suprising: pouring fresh water on a square will make it grow one density in just one day; salt water slows groth down only slightly, so daily watering is needed to observe any effect; and all other liquids have no apparent effect.


Many think that charms own mystical properties which can help their owner in some way, although this has never been proven.

From own experience I noticed that if I swam through deep water with a parrot feather charm, I would get bitten by sharks fewer times than when I did without the charm, and I wasn't the only one who noticed this.
So, I decided to investigate.
I gathered some FAKs, and went swimming in a random path from the east of the island to the north for 500 AP while counting shark bites with, and without, a charm.
When I finished, I noticed there was almost no difference.
However, while I was swimming, a very kind native told me that he noticed that the effects of his charm disappeared after while, so I conducted a third investigation, which revealed that a new charm did, in fact, reduce the number of shark bites.

Here is the complete investigation:

While wearing an old parrot feather charm
Day AP used Number of bites
1 100 8
2 58 3
3 88 6
4 99 8
5 93 6
6 62 3
Total: 34 bites

On two or three occasions I accidentally pressed the "swim" button before healing myself, making the chances of getting bitten much higher, meaning the total number of bites would probably have been 32 or 33.

While wearing no charm
Day AP used Number of bites
7 53 5
8 94 9
9 75 6
10 68 5
11 74 1
12 74 5
13 63 1
Total: 32 bites

While wearing a new parrot feather charm
Day AP used Number of bites
14 76 2
15 70 0
16 72 2
17 76 2
18 69 5
19 72 5
20 65 1
Total: 17 bites

The amount of time it takes before a charm loses its effect is still unknown.


I also have the results of an older investigation, which seems to contradict what I have written above.
For this older investigation I swam between two, same squares all the time ([-70.081,+26.350] and [-70.080,+26.350]), also for 500 AP.

These are the results:

Swimming for 500 AP with a new parrot feather charm: 24 bites.
Swimming for 500 AP without a charm: 25 bites.
Swimming for 501 AP (swimming in deep water costs 2 AP, and I was at 499 AP) with an old parrot feather charm: 21 bites.

This shows that there is no difference between wearing a new, old or no parrot feather charm when swimming in deep water, so these objects' properties remain, once again, a mystery.

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