Talk:The Yorkman/Issue 010

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Discuss the articles in this issue here. Although, be nice, or we may be forced to liberally splatter your comments with asterisks!

Dust Settles in Durham

Wait, there were NATIVES at the DHC? Whoa. No mention on how the MG had the largest amount of people present despite them being a filthy group of semi-bandits, of course. -The MaliceMG 23:57, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

Derby Prepares to Repel Headhunters

Dear Sir: Wiksik yesterday in the Healing Hut I was in, there lot of discussion about Derby Derby. Emile Durheim urging locals to involved. Given proximity Wiksik numbers of warriors deploy could be considerable! - Blue Hummingbird on the Left.

Maevar Ralnik Accepts Presidency of Dalpok

And me being Maevar Ralnik, I feel it safe to say that there is no D in my name. Also, I purchased for 50 gold and 11 gems, which totaled to exactly 151 gold pieces. I have no problem with the JRG tavern in town, and I slept there relatively safely for two nights. I was attacked by two natives, one of them a newbie, and I killed the non-newbie after he'd slain Patch, who was overseeing the tavern and had saved my life before. There is no fierce guerilla action at all. There's a single pocket of resistance for the sake of resistance, but the majority of Dalpok has no problem with me. I healed, I distributed gold, and well over 50 natives had the chance to kill me. I spent hours at the time in the medical hut and talked to a few natives live, after only being attacked once for identification. Get your facts straight. - The MaliceMG 00:06, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Our apologies for the typo. I had meant to quickly double-check thast article, but then I was tired. --The Editor.

Editor - There were no atrocities in New Amsterdam as described in your newspaper, aside from the accidental killing of some healers, small children, some pets - a hamster and a few rabbits - and other non-combatants.

As for dubbing the operation a "raid", it was in fact a highly tactical battle: the Imperials attacked the town in a pincer movement with Rotten Balls, David Hassellhoff and Ella Chen from the north, and myself and Timothy Trust from the south. Setting aside the Healing Hut in the north west, occupied by some 20 scared, starving and pitiful natives with urine-stained loincloths, the streets of New Amsterdam were safely in Imperial hands before its sale to Maevar. We even organised a small dancing competition at the new Amsterdam Town Hall before we departed (Major-General Trust's polka won yet again), using the regimental gramophone.

Finally, the Order of Patriots' support of the rebel Novamsterdammers demonstrates they they are actually native sympathisers, who no doubt practice lechery with monkeys and fondle over-ripe tropical fruit.- First Amongst Daves.

I have to say that the OoP are quite despicable. They persecute most Natives who enter York, yet support them when it suits them best - they should stick to their ideals, and actually do something useful...wait, they only have two members, sorry, carry on--HVLD 02:08, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

OoP persecution of natives in York is highly newsworthy, but we haven't been aware of it before - we have, for example, seen no attacks on the shamen, and one shaman we spoke to in a different town said that the Order had once contacted him with an offer of employment, before Lacuna et al showed up of their own accord (as far as we can tell). If you have any incidents to cite, we'd be highly interested in reporting this - contact us at the usual address. --The Yorkman 20:42, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Derby Academy Opens to Public

James Barnes is delighted at the Yorkman's comments on Derby. He's happy to see that the rest of island is noticing Derby coming into its own!

Flood of News Overwhelms Editor

"the highly-regarded newspaper" - I'm sorry, which one? Frankly, your 'newspaper' gets so many facts wrong it could barely be called a newspaper. Perhaps 'gossip' would be a better term to describe your journalism? --HVLD 02:12, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Whoa now, We should be a bit more respectful to the Yorkman team. They do make an extremely good and fun to read paper, For Free. This is a "gift" from them to Shatak. So don't take it so seriousl;) --Michael edwards 03:49, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

I'm with Michael on this one. Kudos to the Yorkman team. Doesn't hurt to be polite.--Black Joe 04:20, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

This newspaper is clearly an effort by liberal democratisers to encourage freedom of speech. Such activities are dangerous and can lead to the slippery slope of other so-called "human rights". The castes should know their places. I personally blame universal education. Back in feudal days no one could read, and everyone was happy tilling wheat, dying in childbirth and using faith in the mercy of the Old Testement God to heal their fatal injuries. If you're going to write a broadsheet, at least do it in Latin so the peasants can't get excited. - Justice Hart of York.

[Just so you know, I quite like it, despite a few annoying errors, but I'm speaking IC :) ]--HVLD 01:05, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

Interview – Nathan Hale




Imperial Bank Floated from 1st Imperial Privateers

The 1st Imperial Bank, the sole financial instiution operating on Shartak, has listed on the Shartak Stock Exchange, disaggregating from its parent, the 1st Imperial Privateers Regiment.

"We felt that the useful non-combatant operations of the Bank were inconsistent with our twin goals of pillaging colonist towns and conquer of native peoples," said Major- General Timothy Trust, co-leader of the Imperials.

Colonel Ella Chen, commander of shipwreck operations of the Imperials, added, "The listing of the Bank under an independent board of directors ensures its legitimacy and transparency, as well as allows the troops to continue to set fire to huts, murder people in their sleep, and impress native women with our pulse-powered advocaat rifles."

The disaggregation has not resulted in the Imperials dropping from their lead as the largest clan on Shartak, still with more active members that the Scurvy Crew of the Hellborn Strumpet.

"We don't envisage this as being a f***ing impediment to f***ing operations!" said Colonel Nowherehowdy, commander of New Amsterdam operations of the Imperials. "In fact, the non-combatant branch managers were more of a f***ing liability given they were obvious targets of retribution! Silly c****!"

Ibn al Xuffasch, York branch manager of the Bank, said, "The 1st Imperial Bank operates branches in Raktam, Durham, Derby and York, all within a square of the trader's huts in each centre, and are there for loans, deposits with 10 gold coin interest payments, and inter-branch transfers. The combined gold coin assets of the 1st Imperial Bank exceed that of any other organisation on Shartak Island. This complete independence has lead to a very exciting time in our Bank's history."

For further information contact the 1st Imperial Bank at