
From The Shartak Wiki
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Members: We're currently a four piece
Goals: To rock it up, Shartak style
Recruitment policy: You must have something to contribute to the band
Contact: The talk page or 'Shartak Band' in Clans in the main forum

Shartak's first musical group. Because obviously, we dont have instruments programed in to the game, its a role-playing thing.

Member Necrology

Cthulhu - Lead Electric Guitar

Lama - Bass Guitar 'n' Screaming Vocals

Rob Zombie - Lead Vocals 'n' Electric Mandolin

Emile Durkheim - Drummer

We Need To Proform Headectomies On...

A Rythum guitarist, it'd be nice to take some spotlight off Rob, and get some more complex riffs going on.

What? A Band on Shartak?

Errr...bass riffs end up looking like Lama says: dumdada-dum-dum-dum - but thats not the point. imagine it. go on. there, see? Besides, the lyrics still look like lyrics. If instruments were part of the game then it'd work better. But we think its still cool.

What do you play then?

Headhunter themed rungle-rock. We currently have four songs, one is an altered cover of ACDC's 'For Those About To Rock', that and two others were written by Rob Zombie, the fourth was written by manager Crowjane.