Talk:The Yorkman/Issue 011

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A Quick Explanation

There seems to be a little confusion among certain parties as to the exact nature of our wonderful journal, so we'd like to run you all through a little practical demonstration. Go back to the issue, and print it. Take the pages, staple them together at the spine, the attempt to read it whilst using public transport. You'll notice this is possible. Thus, one must surely realise that our incredible paper is, in fact, a tabloid. Hopefully this will explain some of the concerns raised. --The Yorkman 22:56, 22 January 2007 (UTC)


Discuss the articles in this issue here. Although, be nice, or we may be forced to liberally splatter your comments with asterisks!

Formation of National Police Force Raises Fears of Abuse

I'd like to make an edit here! Not that a good story shouldn't ruin the truth, but the Privateers and CP haven't been absorbed! We've just solidified an even stronger alliance. RobZombie Later edit, made after several rums: Oh hells...I can't believe what I've done...the CCTU is like the Empire in Star Wars and I didn't see it coming...I have to get out of here... - Zombie

Good old Yorkman, always forgetting to mention that any facts in his paper may have been made up, and were used without actually researching the subject or interviewing the people directly involved. It's the freedom of speech in action, kiddies! --Zydd Soral 02:11, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

I realised that, at the time I was wondering why I hadn't been interviewed about my part in the CCTU. But I think I see where they're coming from with the acusations of clan absorbtion. And it sounds to me a lot like the split alliances of the Republic forming into the I have decided to leave the CCTU. Errrr watch this space sort of thing. RobZommbie

York – Derby Trail Reaches Derby

Surely this trail, helpful though it may be for traders, will just assist raiders participating in the Derby Derby? - FirstAmongstDaves

Possibly, but any native experienced enough to read the signs (which arenot yet bilingual) will probably be in possesion of a GPS unit already. --The Yorkman 19:26, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

Scavengers Face Raktam Revolt

The bloodletting in Raktam caused the 1st Imperial Bank to temporarily suspend operations. Let us hope that Raktam becomes the quiet orderly village it once was, without the need for further violence. On the other hand, if the person who urinated on the Scavengers symbol in the Raktam branch could come and clean it up, we'd be very grateful. - Ibn al Xuffach, spokesman for the 1st Imperial Bank.

A Letter From Durham

...I don't remember confrontation with pirates. The Pistoleers are our allies, but I don't think they've been paying attention to events in Derby. Pirates are offered shelter by both the Hospitallers and the Privateers. James Barnes

This article was contributed entirely by Dennis Kujit, leader of the Pistoleers, after we offered him a chance to respond to the criticisms recently levelled at his clan. We don't remember any confrontation with pirates in Derby, or even more than a handful of pirates ever reaching Derby. But there's a limit to how much we can edit reader's letters. --The Yorkman 22:52, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

I love the Yorkman, its one of the little highlights of the game, but this sucked dudes, way to many inacuracies and outright lies. You need to interview more people, maybe multiple people in one interview? If you want your finger on the pulse of Derby then James is your man, but perhaps getting Janet or Jack of the DH and Cthulhu and myself from the Privateers to do an interview? that'd give you a more rounded look at the town. You could even contact a non Federation member like Mark D Stroyer? Just suggesting how to make a fine paper a great paper, not telling you hw to do your job. honest. RobZombie

The next issue will have more interviewage, hopefully. Probably not in the form of an interview as such though. Now hurry up and get the Derby paper running, we want some competition to keep us motivated :) --The Yorkman 22:52, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

Interview: James Barnes


Heh, I don't remember approving that banner for the Durham Nationalists :) Good issue! --Nathan Hale 20:38, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

The 1st Imperial Bank congratulates the Yorkman for another fine issue. We'd also like to announce the opening of our Dalpok branch. This means we now have services in all major populations centres, save for the shipwreck.

Awesome. How about sending us a banner for the next issue? --The Yorkman 19:26, 23 January 2007 (UTC)