Trading hut stock reports

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Posted below are current stock lists from the various trading huts in Shartak.

Please post the trader's stock list below when you visit a trader. Feel free to include as much information as convenient. Please give your log entry a separate bullet with the current date in boldface, by starting your log entry with:

* '''~~~~~:'''

Please visit the Trading page for more general information, including pricing.


rifle bullet, rifle, mango, blowpipe, dagger, banana, gem, poison dart, first aid kit, sharpening stone, machete, bottle of water, blunt machete, dried herbs, bottle of rum, gold coin, knife, bottle of beer, gourd of water


The Derby trading hut has at least 3 GPS Units in stock.


  • 00:35, 3 May 2006 (BST): (Lint)

cutlass, rifle bullet, rifle, mango, blowpipe, dagger, banana, gem, poison dart, first aid kit, sharpening stone, berries, machete, bottle of water, bottle of rum, piece of driftwood, gold coin, knife, bottle of beer, gourd of water


