The Raktam Tavern
The Raktam Tavern (currently "Dave C's House of Brown Liquid"), was set up in early November '06 to provide a focus for the Raktam community and a safehouse for friendly visitors.
The founder, Dave C, had frequently seen outsiders who had never attacked a native in their lives butchered by locals in the healing huts of native villages, even when they were there to aid the villagers. Recently returned from a holy mission to York (if anyone sees The Cooler, please remind him that his sacred mission really is really, really important. Really.), he saw yet another peacable traveller first spared by the Raktamites' patrol for his good behaviour, only to be then senselessly slain a few hours later. Deciding that something should be done, and having been inspired by York's famous Falling-Over House, he found a nearby hut and founded the Tavern.
Guest Policy
The tavern welcomes all those who pose no threat to our people. As well as all natives, we also open our doors to any outsider who has not killed any natives in the last three months, with the exception of criminals such as Armadox or the Traitorous Clan of Evil. You must be able to prove that you have not slain recently - if you have native kills on your profile then we will examine your underworld log before making our decision.
Any non-qualifying outsiders will be dealt with by either Dave C or another of our local vigilantes. Any native who kills a peaceful outsider, however, will also be hunted down. It's a harsh world, kids.
Finding Us
The tavern is located at [-70.321,+26.473]. This is 2E from the medical hut, 1S3E from the ammo hut, 1N3W from the trader's and 4N1E from the shaman.