Difference between revisions of "User talk:Baliame"

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Revision as of 17:17, 4 January 2008

Hi I'm Etherdrifter, head of the Necromancer's Guild. I just want to thank you for the work you have done on unraveling the mysteries of amulets and was wondering if you would like to join the guild as head of our amulet research team? Not much has been done there but a few of our guild members (about 3) would be more then happy to help. If you do want to join add a link to your characters profile under the members section and stick in the Head Of Amulet Research line as well and I will officially invite you some time soon. Currently we are based in wiksik, but that may change depending on the outcome of a vote today--Etherdrifter 17:17, 4 January 2008 (UTC)