Hail! Welcome to my User Page, where I use a lot of things.
Living Characters
Vetari the Vicious - Long long ago, sailing on a boat far far away, Vetari was among the finest pirates whose name shivered the timbers of your lame boat. But, his crew discovered him to be missing one day while they docked on some forsaken island. Hearing blood-thirsty howls at dawn, the crew scrambled to leave. Vetari was never seen by the pirate world again.
Elegost - A ranger from Derby of some renown, veteran of many battles with Wicksick and other foreign invaders. Sergeant of the 1st Derby Privateers and 2nd In-Command of the Derby Rangers. A former diplomat for the Independent Republic of Fort Creedy. He was lost in the jungles back in October 2008, when he went out on one of his usual patrols. He has recently been spotted by a pirate named Bobbeard, who claims that he is alive.
Dead Characters
Rhaegar Targaryen - A Prince of House Targaryen of Westeros. He was assumed to have been killed during Robert's Rebellion, but he was in fact exiled here to Shartak. He lived a prosperous life as a merchant. Last seen in Dalpok. Rumor has it that a Sorrowful Man had found him and assassinated him.
Tasty the Cannibal - The Elder of the Cult of the Sky-Blood. His current whereabouts are unknown. It is possible that due to his extremely old age, he has died of natural causes.
My Shiny Ribbons I made long ago with my old Username
We Love Templates!!
This user loves templates. We enjoy adding as many templates as possible and enjoy making our own for our own personal enjoyment and other people's laughs.