User:Russell The Vicious/The Defias Brotherhood/The Kingdom
The Kingdom | |
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Main Leader | King Varian Wrynn |
Territories | The Kingdom, the Wilderness, the Farmland,
the Dark Forest, the Marshlands, and the Dead Pass |
The Kingdom is a vast land from which the Defias Brotherhood and Russell The Vicious come from. It is made of many parts and guarded by the Kingdom's soldiers. The Kingdom is led by King Varian Wrynn, and protected by the Kingdom Guard. King Varian Wrynn is a skilled warrior and leader. The Kingdom is made up of six territories: the Kingdom, the Wilderness, the Farmland, the Dark Forest, the Marshlands, and the Dead Pass.
The Kingdom
The Kingdom is located north of the Wilderness on the territory's northwest coast, and is the capital city of the territory and the largest city. However the city-state also controls or influences other territories, which include the Wilderness, the Farmland, the Dark Forest, the Marshlands, and the Dead Pass.
Recent events have led to the eventual return of King Varian Wrynn to his homeland and his rightful throne. In his absence his son Anduin Wrynn was temporarily crowned king. Due to his young age, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon was made regent until Varian returned home or Anduin came of age. Along with Bolvar's aid, the mysterious Lady Katrana Prestor helped the child king rule the city. The city is one of the last great cities. The city itself has been rebuilt at least once, and is a marvel of human design and engineering. Its guards keep the peace within the city's walls.
The Kingdom firmly backs the territory, and its knights, priests, paladins and mages served in the three wars. The Kingdom is the home of the Academy of Arcane Sciences, the only remaining school of wizardry in the east, and the Cathedral of Light, the philosophical capital for those who follow the Holy Light. These edifices draw healers, priests, paladins and mages to the city, all of whom bolster the Kingdom’s military. King Varian Wrynn rules from Stormwind Keep. Rumor has it that Wrynn employs a secret society, the Kingdom Assassins, who are spies and saboteurs wielding royal carte blanche. "Unaffected by the ravages of the Scourge in the north, the Kingdom still faces its own threats, both from without and within."
The Wilderness
The Wilderness is a vast woodland of stately hardwoods nestled just below foothills to the north. The Farmlands lie to the west, and to the south, across the Nazferiti River is where Dark Forest is located. It is the heartland of the Kingdom. The Wilderness is a gorgeous span of fertile land and thick forests. The weather is brightly sunny and cheerful during the day and silent and peaceful at night. Unlike the Dark Forest, it is close enough to the Kingdom to enjoy considerable guardianship. Home to many farmers, loggers and miners, the Wilderness is a tranquil region with several friendly places to stop. Little troubles this region, overall it is safe. One should stick to the roads though, as the forest is home to many fearsome and territorial creatures. Those who can defend themselves are not in any danger, but others may not be so lucky. The Wilderness enjoys consistently good weather, warm and humid with few stormy days. Gentle rain falls just enough to make everything grow full and lush. This woodland is pleasant and tranquil. Loggers and fishers fuel the Kingdom’s economy, and a diligent militia keeps it safe. The Defias Brotherhood, a group of robbers and bandits wearing red masks, has recently become a growing menace in the region.
It is under guardianship of the Kingdom, but has its own democratic government. Marshal Dughan is the elected ruler. Though much of the forest was burned down during the First War trees and lush glades have grown anew. The Kingdom lies northwest of the forest and is heavily patrolled by the Kingdom guards.
The Farmland
The Farmland borders the Kingdom but is not under the Kingdom’s complete control. The region was stolen right under the Kingdom’s nose by its own bitter people. This rich land has lain fallow since the Second War, but it is now held by the Defias Brotherhood. The Kingdom claims the land as its own, but it has found little time to be concerned with it, with insufficient funds and might to retake the region. A handful of farmers still try to keep their land, and some even attempt a tithe to the Kingdom every year, but most only grow enough to feed themselves. The Defias Brotherhood controls much of the region, focused in the southern area of Moonbrook.
Once a rich agricultural center, much of the Farmland now lies fallow and forgotten. The Defias Brotherhood, renegades who wield secrecy and technology against the Kingdom, control much of the area. Bandits raid those farms that remain, and Kingdom’s resources are stretched too thin to protect the beleaguered populace. The Farmland has the mild temperatures of the Wilderness, but winds batter it both from the sea and from the Dark Forest. The bare farmlands add little to break the wind, which can cut through clothing on a blustery day.
The Farmland is a region of rolling pastures and farms that was once beautiful and green, but now has become barren with drought and maltreatment at the hands of bandits. The grass is yellowed and the fields are infested with ravenous carrion birds and mechanical harvest watchers gone rogue. The outlawed Defias Brotherhood has gained a strong foothold in the Farmland and controls several camps and farmsteads in the area. It is rumored that these bandits possess a large mine with an entrance somewhere in the small town of Moonbrook, and that they have connections with the various mines in the Wilderness.
The People's Militia has erected a last bastion of military power in the region at Sentinel Hill, from where they issue commands to anyone willing to aid the cause. Although most of the area's farms have fallen to disrepair and passed into control of the Defias, there are still a number of farmers who bravely (and desperately) cling to their holdings in spite of overwhelming odds.
The Dark Forest
The Dark Forest is located in the southern-central part of the Kingdom, east of the Wilderness, soutg of the Farmland, and north of the Dead Pass. Technically part of the Kingdom and under it's protection, its distance from the mighty fortress and its close proximity to more malevolent forces in the south and east make it a realm of horror. Due to events central to the Scythe of Elune, the Dark Forest is a cursed, dying land. Beneath the eternal blanket of darkness which gave the Dark Forest its current name, the Scythe's effects have transformed what was once a beautiful part of the Wilderness into a land covered in gnarled trees and inhabited by the hideous undead and extradimensional Wolves, brought along with the black fog hanging over the woods.
Long betrayed and abandoned by the Kingdom, the Dark Forest is inhabited by a defiant people who still cling to their holdings in the face of overwhelming adversity. On all sides lurk dangerous creatures, from evil warriors and ghouls to ferocious wolves and some of the most powerful members of the Defias Brotherhood. The militia of the Dark Forest, known as the Night Watch, patrol the main thoroughfare and protect Darkshire, wary of anything moving through the shadows.
The most prominent geographical feature of the Dark Forest is an ancient and long-dead volcano crater. The crater teems with life, and features one of the Great Trees. The woods also feature several abandoned farmsteads, as well as the prominent Raven Hill Cemetery, which holds the graves of the numerous people who have been killed by wild beasts and ghouls since the darkness fell.
The Marshlands
The Marshlands are a vast and ancient swamp in the south, farthest from the Kingdom, that is home to many old and wonderful beasts. Navigation is often extremely difficult and many adventurers have lost their way in this great jungle, where trees obscure the sunlight and pythons, spiders, and crocodiles lie in wait, hunting those brave enough to venture close to their lairs.
A hot, fetid swampland, the Marshlands are fed by underground springs that keep it eternally wet and muddy. Mosquitoes buzz in the air. Trees dip fronds into the waters. The climate is home to a variety of predators, including crocodiles and snakes. The Marshlands abuts the ocean on all sides, and the mixing of the waters makes a wide swath brackish.
The Marshlands are mostly empty besides the Defias Brotherhood. Its distance from the Kingdom makes it extremely hard for any forces to stop them. The few buildings that have been built here have been occupied by the Brotherhood and a small fortress has been constructed to shelter most of the forces. The Brotherhood uses this area as a training area, where they are unaffected by the Kingdom's soldiers and toughened by the elements.
The Dead Pass
The Dead Pass is an area located in the center of the Kingdom, joining the nothern reaches of the Kingdom(via the Dark Forest) from the south to the Marshlands.
The Ivory Tower of Karazhan, once the dark wizard Medivh’s seat of power, stands in the center of this jagged region and leaks evil magic into the land. The trees are petrified and leafless, and a terrible wind keens through the canyon. Ghouls, bandits and a few human gypsies roam the interior. The Dead Pass connects the Dark Forest and the Marshlands, and travelers are advised to move quickly — whispers tell that a new force has claimed the Ivory Tower, and that the bandits and ghouls are under its sway.