Jungle Drums/Issue 1/Island log
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Island logPart oneRitual business gets slowly started.... Foo Fighter says “Native rituals never have a definite beginning and ending so we can start casually and they join up!” Foo Fighter says “*starts to beat the drums*” Foo Fighter says “*puts some more crabs in the hole and falls backwards, eyes rolling up.*” Foo Fighter says “7 NATIVES BENEATH A HIGH TOWER HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYAH HEYAH” Foo Fighter says “AND THEY GOT HEAD OH YES MANY MANY HEADS HEYA HEYA HEYA” Foo Fighter says “LOOK AT ALL THEIR SHRUNKEN HEADS OH THOSE WICKSICKS MAKE US PROUD HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA” Foo Fighter says “WHAT DO THEY NEED?” Foo Fighter says “BROWN STUFF BROWN STUFF BROWN STUFF HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA HEEEE” Foo Fighter says “*crawls back in an upright position, still shaking*” Foo Fighter says “The prophecies come a plenty these days! This is truly a sacred tower!” Otago says “Brothers and sisters! The ancestors smile upon us!" Otago holds up a head. "A Dorkman in the tower provided us with his head to start the ritual!” Escariot performs a successful exorcism ritual and casts 2 spirits away from here. lama says “Is little togu a real headhunter? I will ask him to come right away then” Wambayak says “*takes two bones and an elephant skull* Ready for the rhythm?” Wambayak says “*begins to play* tchk`tack, tch`tch tchack, tack`tch`tack....” Wambayak says “*sings* the herbs, the liquid! Oh praise my father! Oh praise my mother! Oh praise the jungle! ” lama says “Little Togu will be here if he can make it” lama says “whatever that means *laughs"” lama says “*takes his ritual bongos and starts baning* bang ba ba bang ba bang ba ba bang ba*” Foo Fighter says “OOOOH BROTHER OTAGO SHOW YOUR PRIZE HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA YOU TOOK IT FROM THE TOWER” Foo Fighter says “THE TOWER GIVES AND NOURISHES US TOMORROW THERE WILL BE BROWN STUFF HEYA HEYA HEYA" Foo Fighter says “*welcomes brother futrak who dropped by from famous DALPOK!*” Foo Fighter says “The crab hole is ready, nothing else fits in! So now let's boil them crabs in the earth oven!” lama says “*pours some brown liquid on the ground* ANCESTORS! TAKE THIS CRAB SOUP TO PLEASE YOU SO OUR RITUAL WILL BE RITUALLISTIC AND PLEASING TO YOU AS THIS SOUP IS! *keeps banging on the bongos*” lama says “Escarito, mi amigo *rolls eyes and mumbles some more* *bang ba ba bang, bang ba ba bang bang bang BANG bang*” Futrak says “Send us Ebirah, Terror of the Deep to reclaim our glorious kingdom!” Futrak says “< bashes bottles together enthusiastically >” lama says “A beer, ah? Yay! *bang ba ba bang bang*” Entropy says “*starts in the native bellydancing style*” Jesus says “the ancestors say you should attack me a bit! otherwise, they say I cannot find the gourds with the salty water in my belongings *shrugs*” Jesus says “Oh, and they say you should pray for the sacred liquids so they will pour them into the earth” Jesus says “chants... ei eieieieieieieieie ancestors, we came a long way here, we need the beer, eieieieoooooooooooooooo um um” Jesus says “the water is salty it does not nourish ancestors we beg, don't leave us poorish” Jesus says “oh ei oh ei oh ei oh ei how can we sway? ” Wambayak says “TcktckTacktacktatacktack tch” Wambayak says “Liquid ! Brown ! oieieieieieieieie Oi Oi Oi !” Wambayak says “bodybreaks! tchktchk tack tack! Gime Herbs! Gimme Herbs! oi oieieieieiei trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtchtatartack” Foo Fighter says “Oooooooooh THE ANCESTORS ARE SOOOOOO PLEASED Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Foo Fighter says “We made them nice signposts now everyone can see what is going on oh yes oh yesh HEYA HEYA HEAY” Foo Fighter says “Let's surround this tower with more signposts them say! ” Foo Fighter says “8 WICKSIKCS 8 SQUARES!” Foo Fighter says “Each signpost will signify a huge stone statue of one of them 8 Wicksicks here oh yeah” Foo Fighter says “*falls over babbling,like so often*” Foo Fighter says “ANCESTORS SPOKE AND WE MUST HURRY” Part twoA stag, a tiger and maybe a squid.... Jesus says “See! A large stag, the ancestors have given us a large stag. I'll bring it here. We can see how long it'll stay with us and give the ancestors room to talk through it.” Jesus says “you see this eyes, they ain't normal. this is an intelligible stag. The ancestors forgave us for not caring for the sacred monkey. the give us a seconde chance!” Jesus says “I made contact with our sacred brother, it may come now.” lama says “Sacred stag! Oh thank you Ancestors! I will bang for you some more *bangs some more on the bongos*” lama says “Oh, I see the light coming out of my hands and now brother Escariot is wounded no more! Ooooh, great is the power of Ancestors! ” lama says “*bang ba bang baba ba bang ba ba bang bang bam*” lama says “But why, oh why, Ancestors, there was not enough light in my hands to heal brother Otago! Shall we sacrifice some more palefaces to gain the inner light? *bam bang bam bang ba bam bam bam*” Ougadougou says “Greetings fellow headhunters! Have I missed anything?” lama says “nothing special, some crab-earth-soup sacrification, a little bit of chanting and a little bit of music. ritual pre-ritual *bangs on the bongos*” Foo Fighter says “IT IS OUGADOUGOU! WELCOME BROTHER!” Foo Fighter says “Oh, and news reach me that Escariot killed the holy stag!” Foo Fighter says “*me starts babbling again and falls over* Foo Fighter says “HEYA HEY HEAY 9 NATIVES BENEATH A TOWER HEYA HEYA HEYA” Jesus says “no no no no! Escariot killed the holy stag. And now he is looking weird at me! ” Jesus says “Ancestors give us another stag, or a monkey, or an elephant.” Jesus says “we should install the wicksick walk of fame now. the ancestors may judge then.” Jesus says “greets to Ouga aswell. You will multiply the power of our wishes. RUM, BEER & HEADS” lama says “AND CRABS AND HERBS!” lama says “quite a bunch here,,, when do we start then?” Escariot says “Yes, it is true. I did kill the Stag. It wasnt holy, it was an imposter!” Jesus says “and what about this tiger? it seems the ancestors want us to nourish and tame him.” lama says “I have never heard of sacred holy tigers. I say it is a rug to be for our ritual!” Wambayak says “Perhaps the ancestors wan to force us to start with business” Jesus says “pre-festivities are part of the business :)” Jesus says “surely the ancestors care for us and show us where they hid the wells of brown liquid!” Jesus says “and I'm not kidding” Foo Fighter says “A TIGER A TIGER OH HEYA HEYA HEYA THE PROPHECIES CAME TRUE” Foo Fighter says “THE ANCESTORS SEND THIS TIGER LET US NOT HURT HIM OR ONLY A LITTLE YOU KNOW AND BE KIND TO THE TIGER AND PET IT AND HE IS LIKE THE SYMBOL OF LIFE AND DEATH AND FERTILITY AND ALL THIS STUFF IT'S VERY" Foo Fighter says “COMPLICATED I TELL YOU” Foo Fighter says “I started the memorial signposts! Best driftwood up in the tower! Get to work, brethren!” Entropy kills the tiger. Entropy says “The Ancestors have sent a tiger to us and it choose to scar me.” Entropy says “I see this as a sign that the ancestors have chosen me to sacrifice the tiger and I have done so.” Entropy says “I present to you my brothers the head of the tiger, was was killed and beheaded by my own hand and machete..” Entropy says “*presents the head to the gathered headhunteres.*” Otago says “Next time, I hope the ancestors send a parrot. They don't hit as hard.” lama says “We already had sacred monkey, sacred boar and sacred tiger. I hope little togu appears with sacred squids, which would the awesomeness. Wicksick Squid with machetes in tentacles.... *starts mumbling*” lama says “*bang ba ba bang bang bam bababang bang bam bam* ancestors say DANCE!” lama says “*bang ba ba bang* ancestors say: WHEN YOU DONE WITH RELAXING WE HAVE A MISSION FOR YOU *bang ba ba bam ba ba bang bam bang*” lama says “*mumbles*” Wambayak says “Oh ancestors send us a squid! send us a squid!” Wambayak says “*takes a crab and bites her head off*. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! a squid! a squid!” Part threeAn Explorer makes an appearance... neozeak says “Not here to hurt anyone...just exploring/searching...please don't kill me like you did last time Otago I am not your enemy, just a humble explorer” Since your last move: Wambayak says “there`s an outsider 15sq sth. west amd slightly north.” Wambayak says “sth. = something not south! : )” Jesus says “if his name is neozeak he was just here in your abscence, wamba, to beg for letting him go .... you know, the kind of "peacefully exploring" talk talk talk” Jesus says “Nice signs everybody A very very walk of fame, tourists surely enjoy. Only two squares left in the inner circle. go for it ” Jesus says “sigh... only beer is missing” Foo Fighter says “The FRIENDLY OUTSIDER is up in the tower, be kind to him! Also, what beautiful signs you made! Entropy, Ougadougou, hush and erect some as well!” Foo Fighter says “*innuendo rimshot*” Foo Fighter says “Ummm, where was that OTHER outsider again?” Ougadougou says “I have made some signs, we must identify the island.” Ougadougou says “The ancestors put me in a deep sleep but did not reveal anything to me during it.” Ougadougou says “But I have awakened with a vigor for building these signs...” lama says “Friendly explorers killing natives? We should sacrifice him so Ancestors decide what to do, and his state must be change to EX-EXPLORER! *keeps banging soulful tunes on the bongos* DANCE, BROS & SIS!” lama says “If may I add, quite an island we have here. Oh. wait... Ancestors have spoken... *turns his eyes out and starts speaking with not so lama voice*” lama says “*also, his banging becomes more spophisticated, like 14/16, buddy rich no crack*” lama says “ANCESTORS HAVE SPOKEN” (2007-06-04 21:51) lama says “THEY WANT US TO DRINK BROWN LIQUIDS AND SACRIFICE SACRED ANIMALS AND NOT SO SACRED VISITORS” lama says “AND THEN DRINK SOME” lama says “*back to his normal voice* ekhm, what was that?” lama says “*starts some hula tunes* bang ba bang bam bam bang ba bam bang” Otago says “I heard something about drinking.” Otago says “Would someone go upstairs and explain to the outsider that he'd better leave before someone kills him again. He doesn't understand me.” Otago says “I don't have the heart to kill him twice.” Part fourInside the Sacred Tower The interior is filled with crude furniture which has been tossed around quite a lot, probably when the tower was flooded. The rickety staircase is still useable, although from what you can see there isn't much left upstairs. You can see 1 outsider. You recognise neozeak . Jesus says “Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun outsider, RUN! We are the Wicksick Headhunters and we are having a ritual, and it is our island! The ancestors long for your blood. RUN! Or we will have to sacrifice you!!” in the outsider tongue. Jesus says “you shouldn't be here. Our ritual is secret and sacred, you are NOT allowed to see any of it. Show some respect for native culture and leave, do not tell anyone of this, and keep your life. RUN!” in the outsider tongue. Jesus says “DID YOU HEAR ME? RUN, I say, WOE WOE WOE...” in the outsider tongue. neozeak gives you 1 gold coin. Emile Durkheim says “Iä! Iä! Iä! Yog Sothoth! Iä! Iä! Iä! Shub Niggurath! Iä” Jesus says “Hi ED Great you found your way here. we have a problem with this outsider who is hiding in the tower. I warned him! I told him to leave! I said he is not meant to see our secret and sacred ritual. ” Jesus says “I said WOE WOE WOE... and he is still here. ” lama says “Emile! Nice to see you! *bangs welcomeful tune*” Jesus says “hey you.... you wanna die? right? you want it? we are going to sacrifice you!!! your head will be a fine trophy!” in the outsider tongue. lama says “You should sacrifice him! I think he already spent nuff time here! *bangs decapitating melody* bang ba ba bang bang chop bang” Emile Durkheim says “*kicks the drum tap tap tap tap* sacrifice is always good. did you listen to the gods already?” Entropy says “My sign has been erected.” Entropy says “*starts dance to the beat ofthe drums once again*” lama says “*bang ba ba bang bang bam bababang bang bam bam* dance Entropy, dance!” lama says “*bam bang ba bam bang bam bang bang bam bam*” neozeak says “Stop hitting me Jesus, I am just searching up there...not hurting anyone including you” Jesus says “what kind of idiot are these explorers? I went up that tower three times and told him in his language that it is our island and he is disturbing our secret & sacred ritual. I mean three times! ” Jesus says “I threatened him, told him we gonna sacrifice him and all that. Is he stupid? Why can't these outsiders not recognize native land rights? ” Jesus says “say guy, are you really that ignoring? I asked you politely to leave, you are not meant to see our ritual. Better acknowledge native land rights and leave. I was trying to protect you, there are nine ” in the outsider tongue. Jesus says “wicksick natives down there, that are longing for you head. It is nothing personal, we like explorers, but not now and not here! DO YOU GET ME? ATOMIZE YERSELF NOW!” in the outsider tongue. Jesus says “apart from taht here are only crabs and driftwood to find... expect no belongings but death to come....” in the outsider tongue. Jesus says “*goes away whisteling in advanced joy of the fine ritual sacrifice...*” in the outsider tongue. Foo Fighter says “Well I told him he can stay as long as he hurts no one - didn't we want tourists and fun and stuff? Well then, I am the first one to take his head if he looks funny.....” lama says “I told that outsider that he must leave in 12 hrs. Time start :D” lama says “Emile, you should make a statue for yourself so we are all remembered!” Jesus says “Ouga and Futraks Memorial is still missing, too....” Jesus says “plus is everyone ok with our policiy towards the outsider? Or should we let him stay? Maybe he has seen parts of the ritual which are not for uninitiated ones? maybe not? I dunno” neozeak says “I'm not watching your rituals...but I'll leave anyway, or atleast get off the island before you kill me...i don't think i have enough AP to cross the deep water...have fun gents” Otago says “The ancestors have driven away the outsider...say, was he the one that knocked down all our signs?” Otago says “Hey, the signs are there...We just can't see them! They're...phantom signs!” Jesus says “yes, otago, you should take more of these mushrooms. I think the outsider didn't get the meaning of our ritual. his very appearance makes him interrupt and so. We should have the ritual culmination to” Jesus says “to able to welcome tourists again.” Emile Durkheim says “*starts building a statue* well, it won't be very elaborated... :)” Part fiveBlood gets spilled and the ancestors just keep on speaking.... lama says “Futrak, are you feeling the wicksickness covering you? Do you feel special? Do you feel urge to collect? *bangs bang ban ba bam bang bam bang bam babang bam bang bam*” Foo Fighter says “YES FUTRAK FUTRAK FUTRAK OH HE IS A GOOD NATIVE WE SENSE THE WICKSICKNESS OH YES HEYA HEYA HEYA HEEE” Foo Fighter says “WE GO AND MAKE FUTRAK A SIGN NOW SOUTH WEST” Foo Fighter says “WHO HAS NO SIGN YET WHO. Tell me what you want written on it and I make it right away.” Futrak says “My great bearded statue gives me ultimate strength. I thank you greatly for the honourable construction.” Jesus says “ got fruit?” Foo Fighter says “Yay brothers, look what I have! A PIRATE HEAD freash from the deep water! Hooray!” lama says “It doesn't smell fresh to me... yucky pirates!” Otago says “Stinkin' pirates.” Otago says “I got a new head to.! An outsider to the southwest gave me his!” Otago says “((*new head, too!" I'm not really that bad at spelling))” lama says “Good for you, as I am terribly terrible! *bangs some antiorthographic tunes*” Skull Face says “Hello all! Finally! Those bloody sharks! Anyone spare some healing herbs?” Jesus says “yay and welcome skullface Are you excited because of your upcoming initiation?” Foo Fighter says “Hey there, welcome Skull Face! If you are short on driftwood for your memorial, you can also tell me what to write and where to put it and I do it. :-)” (2007-06-08 13:40) Skull Face says “Just found 2 pieces so I'm off to build :)” Wambayak says “*opens a bottle of beer. passing it to the left* Here we go the ancestors charged this island with chilled brown liquid! go 3sq south and dig a hole!*opens another one, passes it to the right*” Wambayak says “*opens a bottle. taking more than a sip. burps* Yes Entropy! Dance! Dance! Dance! *drinks* Roll your hips! move your chest! make your special move! Show your ti....*falls backward* muave! Dänz! ....” Jesus says “the ancestores sent the requested beer! Their ears are open! Since the outsider is gone they listen to us again, not long and another sacred animal should appear.” Jesus says “dim dimm dididiiiiiiidiiiiiiii deeeeeeeeee diidididiiiiiiiiiiii *screams in aching high tones*” lama says “It looks I got 2 statues! Thank you! *Bangs on the bongos so Entropy can do some more machete dance moves and show her ti... talents* Dance! *bang ba bam bang babang*” lama says “*opens up a bottle of brown liquid and passes it to Entropy* Here you go, Sister *bang ba bang bam bang bam bang bambam ba bang*” Jesus says “where is Otago? I cannot find him? ” Jesus says “did the ancestors take him to a ritual plane?” Skull Face says “Don't look at me. I only kill outsiders... and Marvin... and Isaac... and Armadox.... * dances a war dance and displayes his most recent trophy head http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=1267 *” Foo Fighter says “Hey, look at the south, I finished the Walk of Fame of our headhunting contests!” Skull Face says “You have indeed been busy. Here, have some mushrooms :E * hands out dried sacred mushrooms to all concerned *” Otago says “Have the ancestors told us where we should collect more heads now?” Ougadougou says “I think I will put up more signs, but I will keep my eye out for heads, I love collecting heads for the ancestors.” Jesus says “wowow. I guess it is time now to bring the ritual to its culmination” Foo Fighter says “11 NATIVES OH MY ANCESTORS THE REAL RITUAL CAN BEGIN” Foo Fighter says “HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA HEYA” Foo Fighter says “Wait, where is little Togu?” Skull Face says “He's not in the tower, I just looked. I'll do a quick scout.” Skull Face says “I walked the entire perimeter. He's not on the island :(” Jesus says “so we wait for little togu? Is it certain that he will appear or is the slimy being still chewing on him?” Skull Face says “Searching here, so far I've found a healing herb, tasty berries, poison berries, banana, mango and loaded rifles. Anyone found anything else of note?” Jesus says “beeeeer! brown liquided liquid! It comes out of the earth at 2 steps south from here! I swear, the ancestors sent it! ” Skull Face says “I looked. Seems the ancestors have sent me machetes and knives instead of beer.” Jesus says “but you were a good headhunter, mh... maybe they want to tell us something? ” Jesus says “Oh ancestors, give us holy fuel for our ritual so we can delight you with heads and music” Jesus says “*recites* Oh ancestors, theeeeeeeee ritual ain't over noooo nononono there is still more to come. Send us an outsider, send us a boar...” Jesus says “Ougadougou, Futrak, Foo Fighter, Wambayak, Escariot, Emile Durkheim, Entropy, lama, Otago, Skull Face and Jesus are here gathered as one. ” Jesus says “lama is gone! THE ANCESTORS HAVE TAKEN HIM TO THEM! THEY ARE GIVING HIM THEIR MESSAGES FOR US! BEHOLD!” Jesus says “Oh Ancestors, heyja heyja! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee send us your blessings, send us your wisdom!” Entropy says “Send us more outsiders to behead!” Emile Durkheim says “looks very fine around here. may some outies come here and leave their heads. shall we build up a fine cemetary or better: an altair of sacrifice?” lama says “Whha... What happened?” Foo Fighter says “OH THE ANCESTORS SENT LAMA BACK!!!!!” Foo Fighter says “What messages do you bring, messenger?” Jesus says “lama is here again, doesn't the pink look more shiny? Have you seen the light? What is the ancestors’ message for us? What are we going to do? Will they send what we asked for? Jesus says “Can you remeber anything? Maybe we need hypnosis so you can reproduce your findings? Here, take some water. You must be exhausted.” Skull Face says “Oh ancestors. Please send some more Aminita Muscaria!” Entropy says “Water will not do. lama must have some of the fine liquid from one of the brown bottles.” Entropy says “*passes lama a full brown bottle*” Ougadougou says “Snake? Snake?” Ougadougou kills Solid Snake. Ougadougou says “Snaaaaaake!” Ougadougou says “I will now offer the head as a sacrifice!" He puts the head in the middle of the circle of natives and begins placing driftwood around it. "They will bless WickSick island with this head!” Ougadougou says “I will now light a fire using only a crab and a sharpening stone!" He then proceeds to do just that. "Let us enjoy this fire and let the ancestors enjoy the smoke of the outsider head!” Jesus says “Fine Ouga The ancestors send more collectables! An outsider-head was just found two SW from here....” Jesus says “A mighty fire. Yes Ouga, burn it” Foo Fighter says “HEYA HEYA HEYA THANK YOU ANCESTORS!” Foo Fighter says “*adores the head and falls over from brown stuff, mushrooms, herbs and the overall intensity of the ritual*” Jesus says “throws an insane amount of herbs into the fire! listen to the sparkling of the fire. Come close, sister and brothers.” Otago says “The ancestors provided me with a bottle of brown liquid, too! It almost makes up for the lack of heads to the north and east.” Skull Face says “In addition to mushrooms I have 6 brought bricks of weed, taken from a crashed outsider flying machine. It burns well * throws a couple of kilos on the fire and huffs massive lungfuls *” Skull Face says “OH ANCESTORS! SEND MORE OUTSIDERS! WE GROW WEAK FOR THE LACK OF TROPHY HEADS! ” lama says “Ah...” lama says “Ancestors have spoken to me...” lama says “they said” lama says “COLLECT!” lama says “They also said, that we must announce this place our sacred ground. I asked: why, oh why, Ancestors, dirty feet of palesmellers are to stomp on our land again?” lama says “"We must keep it secret" I said" lama says “And then they have spoken again” lama says “BLOODBATH WILL CLEAN THE FOOTPRINTS YOU CANNOT SEE. ANNOUNCE AND COLLECT!” lama says “BRING THE FRUIT TO THE GARDEN!” lama says “SO SWEET THIRSTY MACHETES OF YOURS DRINK SWEET JUICE OF THEIR ORGANIC LIQUIDS” lama says “WHILE YOU STICK TO BROWN LIQUIDS AND HERBS, MUSHROOMS AND BERRIES” lama says “YOU MUST SHOW THEM THOUSANDS YOU ARE NOT AFRAID!” lama says “OH, AND BTW, ASK ENTROPY TO DANCE AGAIN” lama says “...and then I woke up... *swills down a bottle o' brown liquid and starts banging on the bongos again"” lama says “I banished a spirit from the tower, was that a friend of ours or just a translucent trespasser?” Ougadougou says “The ancestors indeed want more heads! They came to me in my sleep after those bales were thrown on the fire and said the head I gave them is good but they want many more.” Ougadougou says “Much as I want many more bottles of that wonderful brown liquid!” Foo Fighter says “Brothers and Sisters! Almost the whole island is covered, let's put on the finishing touches! Get some driftwood from up the tower and make it complete!” (2007-06-12 22:58) Part sixMore newcomers, sacrifices and songs.... Zool says “Hi everybody!” Otago says “Greetings, Zool! My brother...sister...sibling!” Jesus says “Zool, hi Will you take part in the ritual?” Jesus says “that was a mighty fire. So maybe we should calm it down a bit and then take on the final stage of the ritual.” Jesus says “I went for a walk all these signposts are truly entertaining. GREAT WORK :D” Jesus says “*starts mumbling a little melody* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh mh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Jesus says “a hm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Jesus says “ayeeeeeeee hu hu hu hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mhmhmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmhm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Jesus says “Outsider! Tenebrae, the ancestors send you! praise them!” in the outsider tongue. Jesus says “ayeeeeeeee hu hu hu hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mhmhmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmhm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Jesus says “dammit, now he ran away.....” Jesus says “Yay headhunters. Another one collected! The ancestors sent him while I was chanting. *shows the head of tenebrae on a pile* ” Jesus says “*cries out loudly* THANKS FOR SHOWING US THE WAY! uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu uhuhuhuhuhu mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm” Jesus says “ mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm uuug´huhuhuuhuhu huhu mm m m mmmm m m m m m *jumps through fire* mmmmh m ayeeeeeeeeee mmmmmmmm *rolls on ground* mmmmm uuuuu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *fades out*” Zool says “on shanti....mmmmmaaaaaaahhhhhhoooooohhhhaahhhhhh.......hoooodeeeeehiiiiiiddeeeeeeeehoooooooooooooo.......” Zool says “hooooooooolaaaaaawaaaaaalaaaaaaawooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh” Entropy says “*Starts to dance in and around the group while aking swigs from a new brown bottle*” Entropy says “Welcome to the circle Zool!” Foo Fighter says “Welcome ZOOL!!! I made you a memorial signpost at one west and two south. The island is almost covered now!” Zool says “Well thanks Foo Fighter, and everyone! What a nice surprise, who'd a thunk!” Zool says “Ooohlaaaaoooohhllaaaaaooooooohhllaaaaa....Hhnnnaaahhh hnnnaahhh. It clears the sinuses! Ahhh!!” Skull Face says “ANCESTORS! My arm grows restless! Send me an outsider plaything!" ** starts banging a heavy dub beat on the log drums ** "Father! Father! FAAAAATHER!!!” Skull Face says “If they say "Why, why" tell 'em that it's human nature!” Skull Face says “The ancestors have heard me! An outsider! I can hear my machete screaming in joy!!! COme brothers and sisters, join me in the bloodfest!! ** runs N, grinning madly, eyes gleaming ** KIIIIILL!!!” Skull Face says “Ahah!" ** Holds up the head of Dr Livingstone http://www.philosoph.us/misc/shartak/underworld/?id=8966 ** "Thank you ancestors!"” Skull Face says “Accept my offering!" ** tosses outsider head onto the fire and smiles at the sizzling sound and roast pork smell ** "Send more outsiders!" Jesus says “Oh my, the ancestors are giving so plenty to us, never before such a big ritual has been witnessed” Wambayak says “*stands up, and looks confused into the gathered round* Real world?” Wambayak says “Oh my, Oh my....Ancestors are very pleased about the ritual. They will dliver more goods for more hes” Wambayak says “*turns his heads 360 degrees round*...heads!heads!heads!!!” Wambayak says “*opens a bottle of brown liquid and begins to chant* head and head and head, wicksick is the right thread, white face not at the right place, take heads, decapitate.” Part sevenThe bloodbath starts to get even more bloody.... Foo Fighter says “WHAAAAAA - THE ANCESTORS GRANTED ME 88 AP OMG” Skull Face says “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! The Old Ones have sent me a monkey claw! Am I blessed or cursed? What will this monkey claw do for me?” Wambayak says “The ancetors heard us! pirate north! outsider NE! Yippiehhhhh! ” Wambayak says “*starts whirling around with a fresh cutted head blood spoiling everyone around!*” Wambayak says “uhhuu! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAncetors this smelly pale called kilshrek is for you ! Uuuuuhuhuuhuhhuhuuh! *takes a bottle of brown liquid*” Wambayak says “*opens it to cover the head wit it`s content* Uhhhuuhuhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *starts whirling around again. An emulsion of blood and brown liquid spoils everyone even more*” Cthulhu says “FHTAGN?” Cthulhu kills Futrak. Cthulhu kills Skull Face. Cthulhu says “Oh hang on! This isn't the "Misunderstood Calamari" gathering is it? Sorry... I best be moving on. Enjoy your party peoples FHTAGN!!!” You hear Skull Face let out a banshee wail coming from all around you. Zool says “Outsider lurking to the SE in the water's edge...I'm out of AP” Entropy says “The Ancestors have another head!” Entropy says “*holds up a pirates head and dances around the gathered with it*” Entropy says “Hmmm there seems to be a spirit here. If it isn't one of us it must be banished” The ghostly voice of Skull Face whispers “My spirit cries out for revenge upon Cthulhu and SolidSnake for interrupting our ceremony!” Foo Fighter says “Oh no, did a brother die here? REVENGE! Also, I killed a Derby soldier, they are coming! PREPARE FOR THE TAKING OF A LOT OF HEADS! WHEE!” Jesus says “SACRILEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ” Wambayak says “Oh Ancestors! We need your blessings, waves of white scum is threading our wickedandsick souls! *opens a bottle brown liquid* Wish that I had some herbs with me! It´s better for fighting. *drinks*” Wambayak says “oh ancestors say should we patrol?*sips a bit andspits it out again* No one on the tower! we all could hide up there or somewhere else?” Wambayak says “I´m out of Interesting Points to make. So I´ll try to have a little talk with the ancestors! see you in 2+1.5 h ” Wambayak says “*empties the bottle and sleeps away*” Jesus says “Derby is doomed! Doomed I say!” Wambayak says “Di da da doomed! Di da da doomed! da da da da smells like dommed! ” Wambayak says “Errrr....doomed!*opens another bottle of brown liquid!*” lama says “http://www.philosoph.us/misc/shartak/underworld/?id=5321 *bangs on the bongos*” Wambayak says “I´m wounded! but no outsiders in the NW and none in the SE” Ougadougou says “The ancestors demand vengeance on Cthulhu for disturbing the sacred rights” Ougadougou starts acting very strangely. Otago says “The distant ones require you to fertilise the soil with the sacred liquids” Otago starts acting very strangely. Otago says “beer and rum" lama says “Here, brother. Hope you feel better now. *bangs some jazzy improvisations on the bongos"” Escariot performs a successful exorcism ritual and casts 1 spirit away from here. Zool says “2 Outsiders - 2 spaces SW, then west to water's edge” Willis kills Zool. Entropy says “Ancestors! I give you the head of RobZombie!” Entropy says “I have 7 herbs for healing left my brothers.” Otago returns to normal after a spell of acting strangely. lama says “We need reinforcements or other way we are going to get ridden out of here soon” Foo Fighter says “Zooooool! REVENGE!” The ghostly voice of Zool whispers “WiiillliiiissssssssssGRRRRRRR. Ahem.” The ghostly voice of Zool whispers “Crap, I take a nap and look what happens.” Otago says “Willis is dead (ID 8055). It occurs to me that we might be making things to easy on the Derbians by sleeping in one spot.” Wambayak says “Ah jesus spare those for the outsider east of island!” Wambayak says “earr...mean for the way back!” Wambayak says “sharks....! But I gonna go hunt now!” lama says “hello brothers. When do we start operation BloodStorm? ;)” Jesus says “Is anyone ready for having the ritual tonight? After that we could go straight to Derby/ revive at the next shaman...” Skull Face says “Fine by me. I have a few new targets from the Hospitalers and the Rangers :E” Henri6 says “Hello.” Jesus says “Hello Henri6, so you found your way here. Welcome. We are holding our most important ritual cycles here. Maybe tonight the big business is about to take place.” ...and then the outsiders came... |