Durham Volunteer Force

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Durham Volunteer Force
Leadership: Lukas Alexander
Members: Classified
Goals: see below
Recruitment policy: No pirates or Natives

The Founding of the DVF

The Durham Volunteer Force or DVF as it is more commonly known is a paramilitary group concerned with the fight for a free and united Durham. The present Durham Nationalist Militia are a farce and work in tandem with the corrupt government. As such a few brave men and women made a pact to form a new force to fight for the cause. A mostly secret organization which strikes from secret and fights on it's own terms it is attracting more members as it's actions become known. The symbol of the DVF is the Red Hand of Nationalism upon the Durham Flag.


  • Freedom for Durham.
  • An end to corruption in the government and police force
  • A united Durham
  • Freedom for Nationalist sentiment
  • The reuniting of The Republic of Creedy with Durham.
  • An end to the revolutionaries know as the 'Durham Tea Party'.

How can I fight for the cause?

We welcome all outsiders to join our soldier ranks and fight for the cause. However informants and intelligence officers are picked and remain anonymous to both the civilian population and most of the DVF to protect them.

We are always looking for more personnel to aid the cause. Whether it be Doctors, traders and logistics or fighters.

Contact Lukas on the forums or in game.


  • 1st Colonial Militia
  • Order of Patriots