Anthropological Society on Shartak Issues

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Anthropological Society on Shartak Issues
Leadership: Sir James Frazer (Chairman)
Members: 2
Goals: Explore the native society
Recruitment policy: We are participant observers. We don't interfere.
Contact: via the talk page

This noble institution understands itself as the main board for establishing an elaborate understanding of Shartak native language, customs and other magical beliefs.

Board members


  • Join with only one character that hasn’t killed any natives.
  • Language skills, extended knowledge, and a deep interest for the ways of the natives are essential.

We encourage young fieldwork apprentices to post in research proposals and intermediate reports on work in progress. Excellent presentations can pave the way to stipends, publications and immortal fame within a tiny research community.

We advise all aspiring field workers to bring along gifts and petty items to the easily impressed natives. If you encounter hostilities from native side, you are advised to stay calm and endure the savage trials.

Fields of interest

Currently we are giving out stipends for research in the following fields:

  • Medical Anthropology: consumption of herbs in native communities, conceptions of illness with special recognition of "wicksickness"
  • Religious Knowledge and Practice: spirit entities, ritual place and space (e.g. mountain, ruins)
  • Anthropology of Everyday Life: coming of age in Shartak (development of native sexuality), contact of cultures (impact of cultural contact with outsiders on the native society)
  • Native Economy: trading and ritual exchange

Latest events

The ASSI sadly has to announce the retirement of Lord Paul Reefer. He was known to us as a outstanding ethnobotanic and wise scientist. His membership is terminated by mutually agreement. Unfortunately he chose wrath over curiosity and is now to be found somewhere in the jungle, swinging his machete...