Derby Tavern

From The Shartak Wiki
Revision as of 20:35, 24 December 2006 by Rozen (talk | contribs) (→‎Derby Tavern)
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  • Currently under renovation, opens Christmas Day.

A place in Derby, where the misfits can chill,

a sup-hole, completely free from millitary drill,

where coppers and doctors and misfits and the like,

can go feast and drink, without holding a bloody pike.

Derby Tavern is in the Trader's Hut, and is a safehouse run by the 1st Derby Privateers. Any visiting native should sleep there without fear of being wantonly killed in the streets. Any outsider can sleep in there safely, as the number of people inside will give many eyes to witness a murder. Any murders witnessed should be reported straight to the Privateers, its ultra-bad manners to atcualy KILL somebody in a bar room brawl. Rum, Beer and Water will be avalable from the Barman/Trader, as the Privateers will sell on thier unwanted beverages for the enjoyment of Derby citezens. The Tavern is likely to be home to ghosts after it gets up and running, so we're already looking for a Shaman for hire.

This wiki will be run by Privateer's Captain Rob Zombie, who will write a flavour text for the Tavern and draw up a full set of rules, maybe even write a better poem.
