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Revision as of 19:32, 28 February 2006 by Lint (talk | contribs)
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Presumably available only to Outsiders at the moment as my Soldier can do this, but my Shaman cannot. (What does a Native see if they read an Outsider's message?) Carving and drawing messages cost 1 AP. Also, attempting to carve in an area with a carving still costs 1 AP. --Lint 08:43, 27 February 2006 (GMT)

Does your shaman have a knife? --Grigoriy 18:54, 28 February 2006 (GMT)
Ah, my shaman lacks a knife and my soldier has one. --Lint 19:32, 28 February 2006 (GMT)
My native (scout) has a knife, and can create messages, while my outsider (scientist) cannot. --Jackel 19:20, 28 February 2006 (GMT)