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Erados's Characters

  • Erados - Belgian Explorer from Derby, currently exploring the jungle. Has killed a few men in self-defense. Erados usually stays away from heavily populated areas, although recently he's been healing people in Derby.
  • a nobleman - Fierce pirate murderer with uncommonly good manners for a pirate, despite the massive kill list. He claims it's in his blood to kill people, but also to keep up the good manners and sometimes even pay his victims a sort of solace charity. He doesn't kill everyone he see anymore, unlike he used to, preferring to choose his targets carefully. Currently around Dalpok, raiding with the Jolly Roger Gang.
  • The Malice - Mercenary-for-hire (see Mercenary's Guild)
  • Logger Jack - Lumberjack who was the main chopping force behind the York to mountain road. He noticed there was the beginnings of the road there and just made his way past it and kept cutting where it stopped, helped by various friendly outsiders although only one - Average Joe - stuck with him throughout the whole trip. He died and became horribly lost in the jungle when he found himself at the feet of a shaman in the middle of nowhere. Searching for days found him some ruins near a river, where he's settled down (signs and everything) and is now clearing vast amounts of jungle around his ruins - his retirement home. Occasionally he gets a visitor.
  • Maevar Ralnik - Pirate explorer, currently at the pirate ship getting relatively rich.