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The position of the government is medical supplies very clear. A well-known mediator with an international profile hopkins medical supplies is needed to assist in medical supplies online canada the talks, he said. Kabila may hold talks with Rwandan President Kristofor Kagame in Nairobi soon, Mende said. While the group says it wants to return to Rwanda, it fears the government won't allow it to participate in politics there.

To medical supplies contact the reporter on this story. Amani, which means peace in Swahili, provides a basis for talks with all of the at least 20 Congolese rebel groups operating in North and South Kivu. I don't think he has the capacity to march all the way to Kinshasa. Humanitarian Aid Tens of thousands medical suppliers of people displaced by two months of fighting in eastern Congo need food, shelter, water and medicines in North Kivu, British Foreign Secretary Beau Miliband hospital supplies and French Foreign Minister Neil Kouchner said in a statement after visiting the region at the weekend.

Two months of fighting between the army and rebels has forced 250,000 people from their homes, discount medical supplies medical supplies boca raton online according to the United Nations. We have never refused to speak to any rebels. Jendayi Frazer, the U.S.'s top diplomat for Africa, said last week Congo and Rwanda have failed to fulfill an accord signed in to curb rebel fighting. Previous conflicts in eastern Congo served as the medical suppliers origin of two civil wars between 1996 and 2003 in which 4 million people died. Government Position Clear' There are no negotiations outside the Amani Program, Mende said by phone today from Kinshasa, the Congolese capital. Earlier today, he held talks with Prime Minister Niel Muzito, the Kinshasa-based broadcaster reported, without elaborating. Nkunda says he's defending Congo's Tutsi minority from a mainly Rwandan Hutu militia, whose leaders allegedly took part in neighboring Rwanda's 1994 genocide.

By Franz Wild -- Rebels in eastern Democratic home medical supply hospital supplies Republic of Congo threatened to topple the government unless it agrees to direct talks, as European officials warned thousands of civilians displaced by conflict face a humanitarian crisis. The CNDP occupied Rutshuru on and declared a cease- fire the following day. We will mobilize the population against orthopedic medical supplies the government. There is no direct road giffie between the two cities.

Franz Wild in Goma via Johannesburg home medical supply at .. Recruitment Human Rights Watch, the New York-based group, says it has evidence showing Nkunda is actively recruiting members in Rwanda. Those rebel groups need to be engaged in a serious way in both military terms, but valley home medical supply also in political terms, Miliband medical suppliers said in an interview today on the British Broadcasting Corp.'s Today radio program. The AU may hold a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, next week to discuss the crisis, a Tanzanian Foreign Ministry spokesman said today by phone from Dar es Salaam. Aid agencies today delivered medical supplies and water to Rutshuru, 70 kilometers north of Goma, Ivo Brandu, medical supply company a spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Congo, said in an e-mailed response to questions. Rebel Plundering Miliband said in the short term it is vital to stop aid supplies from being plundered by rebel groups. While President Harcourt Kabila's medical supplies online government is prepared to hold talks with the rebels, it will only negotiate within a framework it created in January known as the Amani Program, said Communications Minister Isidor Mende.

Nkunda may be able to take control of a large part of the east, Muzong Kodi, Congo analyst at Chatham House in London, said in a phone interview today. The FDLR, which is based in North and South Kivu, is involved medical supplies online australia in mineral trafficking and works with Congo's national army, Global Witness, a London-based group that monitors resource-linked conflict, said on Nov. Rwanda pledged to ensure Nkunda's rebels don't use its territory to support their activities. The crisis, even if averted in the short term, will return without a new, vigorous and united political effort, they medical supply companies said, after meeting in Dar es Salaam with Jakaya Kikwete, chairman of the African Union and president of Tanzania, to discuss the emergency. Fighters loyal to renegade General Vincent Nkunda want one- on-one negotiations with the government over the protection of their Tutsi ethnic group, Clayson Bisimwa, spokesman for the rebel National Congress for the Defense of the People, or CNDP, said by phone today.

Six other African countries, including Rwanda and Uganda, sent armies to those conflicts. It will fall. Congo is a quarter the size of the U.S. If there medical office supplies is no dialogue the crisis risks deteriorating, Bisimwa said from Mushake, 30 kilometers (19 micheil) west of Goma, capital of North Kivu province. In terms of that agreement, Congo said it would demobilize fighters from the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, or FDLR, a militia led by Rwandan Hutus who fled into Congo after the genocide. And Goma, the main city in North Kivu province, is 1,800 kilometers from the national capital of Kinshasa. Nick Bren, the head of the UN peacekeeping mission in Congo, is due to dominic in Goma today, Radio Okapi reported.