Talk:Pirates of the Caribbean Alliance

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Forum thread:

  • (1600 GMT) Join me in a raid o' th' native village o' ******! I will leave from th' shaman an' hade directly SE fer 50 AP worth an' move again next high tide' at this time.--El Pirata Cofresi 16:38, 22 March 2006 (GMT)
  • I be waitin' Sou'east o' the ship fer days now, trying to found this sort o' enclave. I'll try an' find me way to the scurvy village X. - The Pirate

Avast shipmates! I will move another 50 paces or up t' th' village edge. --El Pirata Cofresi 16:05, 23 March 2006 (GMT)Arrrr! 48 paces t' th' edge jus' outisde an' I find me first native! From our shaman at th' shipwreck t' the'r village straight SE be exactly 99 paces! I will wait here wi' this friendly native. --El Pirata Cofresi 16:11, 23 March 2006 (GMT)

OI!!! ay mate i killed mah second native. can't find the village but i must be close. me and my mate here are resting by a tree getting ready for the attack. do we have our own trader or do we need to hustle th' nnatives? --badhammer 12:11, 27 March 2006 (GMT)

I hope ye find 't soon, an' aye, ye can use th' trader here. Ye will also end up usin' the'r shaman at least once a tide.--El Pirata Cofresi 20:17, 27 March 2006 (BST)

Aye mate, I found the blasted place finally, been cuttin' and running fer a day ar two now. The scurvy savages aint found hide nor hair o' me, but I found them plenty. harharhar. Also been carvin' on thar huts. harharhar -the pirate

Added some content t' page, th' code o' conduct.--El Pirata Cofresi 21:28, 3 April 2006 (BST)