La Islet Bonobo

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The Islet of Pernicious Doom as mapped by the UBER MAP project

The Islet of Polymorphous Doom (formerly known as Shark Island) is the name of the largest of the three islets off the west coast of Shartak, according to the Discordian Cargo Cult. Since the entirety of Shartak is described as an island, it follows that such a small land area should be called an islet. At the time of this writing, the islet has been claimed as the territory of two clans: The Discordian Cargo Cult, and the Royal Expedition. The two clans have engaged in violent conflict over the disputed territory.

D.C.C. Facts-in-brief:

Name The Islet of Perpetual Doom
Land Area Approx. 836 square game squares
Official Language Mango!!!!!
Chief Export Berries and other fruits
Political System Crypto-fascist Anarchism
Tourism Encouraged
Official Religion Discordianism
Conversion Required